Join us in working toward a sustainable, equitable food future.
We are currently welcoming the members of our surrounding communities to join in using our land to feed their families.
Maine ranks 1st in New England in terms of childhood food insecurity. 20% of Maine kids, or 50,000 children, are food insecure. Feeding America estimates that 182,000 Mainers will experience hunger in 2021, compared to about 167,000 in 2019.
On top of these present local issues, economists predict the world will need to produce 50% more food than it already does by the year 2050 to feed our anticipated population of 9 billion people.
If the pandemic has shown us anything, it’s that we cannot depend on the existing systems to save us from disaster. But not everyone is privileged enough to take things into their own hands- prices for local land has skyrocketed, favoring exploitive land development over local and community development.
We have no doubt about our privilege- and want to share it with anyone else who shares our vision. If you are interested in using any portion of our land for agricultural purposes, please fill out this form so that we can get in touch and discuss your ideas.
Be sure to include:
• Who you are
•What town you currently live in
• What it is that makes you interested in joining + what we can do to help you participate (i.e. What you’re interested in growing/raising, how much space you would require, etc.)
• Any questions you have for us
We look forward to hearing from you!